Doctors receive frequent inquiries from their patients about IUDs and that's why today we are here to discuss every important fact about IUD. Let’s start with what is an IUD?
DEFINITION- A little device called an IUD or Intrauterine Device is inserted into the uterus to prevent conception. It is one of the most reliable and effective birth control options available and is also long-lasting and reversible. It is a tiny, T-shaped piece of flexible plastic. It is occasionally referred to as an IUC or intrauterine contraception.
Types of IUD
- Hormonal IUDs
- Copper IUDs
How do IUDs work?
Both copper and hormonal IUDs prevent pregnancy by altering sperm cell movement, preventing sperm from reaching an egg. Pregnancy cannot occur if sperm cannot reach an egg.
Copper is used to preventing pregnancy. Because sperm dislikes copper and this prohibits sperm from reaching that egg.
The hormonal IUDs prevent pregnancy in two ways:
- They thicken the mucus that lines the cervix, blocking and trapping the sperm.
- They occasionally prevent eggs from ovulating, which means there won't be any eggs for the sperm to fertilize. No egg, no pregnancy.
IUDs have the excellent quality of lasting for years, but they are not permanent. Your doctor can quickly and easily remove your IUD if you decide to become pregnant or if you just no longer want to use it. After the IUD has been taken out, you can start trying to conceive.
Can IUDs be used as emergency contraception?
The benefit of using an IUD as emergency contraception is that you can keep it and use it as really good birth control for up to 8 to 12 years (depending on which kind you get). The morning-after pill is the alternative form of emergency contraception. It can be used to lower the risk of pregnancy for up to 5 days following unprotected sex.
Advantages of IUDs
- They have a pregnancy prevention rate of greater than 99%.
- They last for a very long time; the copper IUD can last for 10 years.
- If you are breastfeeding, you can use them safely.
- They are unaffected by any drugs.
- If you have difficulty absorbing the hormone estrogen, they offer an alternative method of contraception. (The vaginal ring and combo pill both contain estrogen and progestogen.) The copper IUD has no hormones, while the hormonal IUD solely contains progestogen.
- Other than checking the thread each month after your period to make sure it hasn't moved out of the proper location; you don't need to do anything more once it's in.
- A doctor with the necessary training can remove the device at any moment.
- Once the copper or hormonal IUD is removed, your likelihood of becoming pregnant will return to normal.
Possible side effects of IUDs
- Some people may suffer period-like cramps at the time of the first insertion, although this normally goes away after a few days.
- The IUD may occasionally come out. In the first 3 months after it is implanted, this occurs more frequently.
- Your monthly cycle will alter. In the first 3 to 6 months, bleeding or spotting is common. Around 90-95% of persons may have mild menstruation or no bleeding at all by 6 months (this is not harmful to the body).
- Breast tenderness, headaches, skin problems, and mood swings are possible. Nearly always, these adverse effects go away over time. There is no evidence that the hormonal IUD contributes to weight gain.
When an IUD is not suitable
You might not be a good candidate for an IUD if you:
- A pelvic infection that is now present, or an abnormally shaped uterus.
- If you have: The hormonal IUD might not be an appropriate choice for you.
- Breast Cancer
- Liver Diseases
- Heavy Periods
- Low Iron Levels
- Endometriosis
The Final Note
Your doctor can assist you in determining which of the two types and numerous brands of IUDs will be most effective for you. Make sure to inform your doctor of any medications you take as well as any illnesses or symptoms you experience, such as excessive bleeding or menstrual migraines.