Pregnancy is a joyous phase of every woman’s life. From getting to eat what you want to make more time for resting, the phase brings many changes in a woman’s lifestyle. But, to enjoy this phase to the fullest you don't have to sacrifice your health. Happy health is crucial for the proper development of your baby and adjusting to your body changes.
If you are on your pregnancy journey and looking for an expert guide on pregnancy nutrition, then this blog is for you. Even if you are not pregnant but are planning to become a new parent, the detailed nutritional requirements for pregnant women in the blog below may help you have a healthy pregnancy ahead.
13 Tips To Help Meet Pregnancy Nutrition
1. Daily Breakfast Is A Must
Breakfast is a must to maintain a healthy body. The importance of having breakfast doubles while you are pregnant. Include nutrient-rich food in your breakfast like whole-wheat toast, whole-grain crackers, fruits, hot or cold cereals or other dishes to prevent nausea. Even if you are doing light exercises during pregnancy, you should not skip breakfast to gain important pregnancy nutrition.
2. Consume Fibre-Rich Meals
Constipation is severe during pregnancy. By intaking fibre-rich foods, drinking plenty of water and engaging in regular physical activity, constipation can be dealt with smoothly. Generally, we all are confused regarding what we should eat during pregnancy to ease our constipation, the simple answer to it is - to eat as much brown rice, beans, veggies, fruits, and whole-grain cereals as you can to have easy bowel movements.
3. Eat Small Portions Throughout The Day
Eat small meals frequently throughout the day if you suffer from heartburn. Practise slow eating and say no to oily, fatty and spicy foods, as they may increase the intensity of heartburn. Also, avoid going to bed directly after eating food. If the doctor has recommended you not to exercise during pregnancy, you can go for a brisk walk after eating to avoid heartburn.
4. Say No To Caffeine and Sugar-filled Beverages
Caffeine and sugar-filled beverages increase the chances of constipation. Consumption of caffeine also leads to a reduction in blood supply to the foetus and may hamper the growth of your baby. (1) To satiate your urge for sugary drinks, you may opt for natural options like fresh fruit juices and coconut water. It is important to drink fruit juices post-exercise during pregnancy to gain nutritional requirements for pregnant women.
5. Keep A Check On Your Calorie Intake
Your body’s requirement for calories changes over the whole period of pregnancy. Here are the correct amount of calories to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy:
No extra calories - First 12 weeks
Take additional 340 calories per day - Second Trimester First 12 weeks of the trimester, no extra calories
Take 450 calories per day - During 3rd trimester
6. Iodine Is Must
Iodine is required for the development of your baby’s brain. Hence, you need to intake appropriate amounts of iodine. The best way to get iodine is to choose iodine-rich salt in all homemade dishes. In your list of what we should eat during pregnancy, give salt a priority to meet the body’s iodine requirement.
7. Do Not Forget To Include Zinc-Rich Foods In Your Diet
Consuming enough zinc during pregnancy reduces the chances of preterm growth. Zinc deficiency in expecting mothers may lead to prolonged labour hours. Include zinc-rich food in your diet to avoid any such issues. Major zinc-rich foods are cashews, almonds, amaranth, etc. You can also eat these foods after exercise during pregnancy. They give you a boost of energy.
8. Beta Carotene Is A Must
Beta Carotene is transformed by our bodies into vitamin A.(2) Hence, including foods high in beta-carotene, such as winter squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, lettuce, and broccoli helps in maintaining the health of your mouth.
9. Choline Rich Foods Are Essential
Choline is essential for the development of your baby’s brain. You must include choline-rich foods in your diet like beans, lentils, and dairy products that are low in fat or fat-free.
10. Eat Calcium Rich Foods
The importance of calcium is well known to all of us. Eat foods high in calcium to promote the development of strong teeth and bones in your child. Dairy products are the best source of calcium, but if you are vegan then you can obtain enough of this nutrient by eating broccoli, kale, fortified drinks, and cereals. Calcium rich-foods help in strong muscle development, regulating blood circulation and hormone levels.
11. Folate Is Good For Baby’s Brain Development
Vitamin B folate assists in preventing major neural tube abnormalities, which affect the developing brain and spinal cord of an infant. Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate which is majorly found in food and vitamins. Intaking foods that are high in folic acid reduce the likelihood of premature delivery and low birth weight of a child. Cereals that have been fortified are excellent folic acid sources in your diet. Natural sources of folate include citrus fruits, dry beans, peas, and lentils, as well as dark green, leafy vegetables.
12. Prevent Anaemia Deficiency With Iron
Red blood cells include a protein called haemoglobin, which transports oxygen to the body's tissues. Iron is the major source in our bodies that helps in maintaining appropriate haemoglobin levels. You require twice as much iron during pregnancy as non-pregnant women do. Your body needs this iron to produce more blood so that the baby in your womb can receive oxygen.
Some prominent sources of iron are beans, veggies, and morning cereals.
13. Say Yes To Healthy Food Choices
Oils and fats are the most restricted foods during pregnancy. However, Nutritionists advise against fully eliminating them because they are good for the brain and visual development of your child (3). You should only consume six teaspoons of oil every day. It's also crucial to consume only plant oils, such as sunflower, canola, or olive. Solid fats (like butter) are foods you should avoid consuming in excessive quantities when pregnant to prevent weight gain.
Prenatal nutrition is crucial since it has a direct impact on the mother's health and the growth of the developing baby. A healthy diet helps the mother by lowering her risks related to pregnancy and long-term improvements in the baby's cognitive and physical development.
Along with nutrition, expecting women must also pay attention to their hygiene, to avoid any type of infection. You must use safe intimate hygiene products like those from VinzBerry that are devoid of any chemicals and are safe for all skin types. We have a range of intimate body care products and body care products to shop for.
FAQs on Nutritional Requirement For Pregnant Women
Q. What are the nutrition and exercise recommendations for a pregnant individual?
A: To gain optimum nutrition you must take balanced meals throughout the day that include proper amounts of protein, calcium, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Go for light exercises during pregnancy to avoid any complications, for instance, you can do yoga at home, do breathing exercises and take a brisk walk.
Q. How can I manage my nutrition during pregnancy?
A: You must follow a healthy eating routine and should not miss either of the meals throughout the day to gain proper nutrition. Proper nutrition is important for you and your baby.
Q. What are high-protein foods for pregnancy?
A: Lentils, beans, legumes, milk, etc are some of the protein-rich foods for pregnancy.