Today, we are going to answer the most frequently asked question about intimate hygiene during menstruation. Basic ways of keeping your genitals clean during a period cycle are washing your vagina and changing sanitary pads frequently as needed. So without further ado let’s jump into the questions.
1. During periods, how frequently should you wash your genital area?
While on your period, health care professionals advise cleaning the vaginal area at least twice a day – morning and evening. Blood can provide a suitable habitat for bacteria to flourish. If you feel more comfortable doing it more frequently, that's also acceptable. You can use an intimate hygiene wash during your periods.
2. What should women use for period hygiene, according to gynecologists?
The vagina is an organ that cleans itself. Using regular soap or any cosmetic products for intimate hygiene can disturb the area's native flora, which must be preserved. Health professionals advise using warm water and an intimate wash to clean the genital area.
3. In what direction should you cleanse your genital region?
Genitals should be cleaned from front to back. Wash your labia first, and then your anus and perineum after that. By doing this, the risk of pathogenic bacteria and feces entering the vaginal area is decreased.
4. Does the vagina need to be cleaned inside?
Because of its smart design, the human reproductive system doesn't need to be cleaned on the inside. Because of this, medical practitioners strongly discourage adopting any cleanliness techniques designed to remove the beneficial vaginal flora (such as douching [1]).
5. Should you use sanitary products that are more absorbent and change them less frequently?
Always select sanitary items with the proper level of absorbency for your menstrual flow. Bacterial development and infections may result from changing these products less frequently than once every 4 to 8 hours (4 hours for pads and 4 to 8 hours for tampons).
6. Can you take a bath while having your period?
Yes, it is safe to take a bath while on your period. In most cases, running water is fine. But before bathing in the tub, it's a good idea to speak with a doctor if you are experiencing any issues with your reproductive health. For the safest experience, take the following precautions if you decide to take a bath while on your period:
Because your immune system is weaker during your period, make sure the tub is clean.
Use warm, not hot, water. Heavy bleeding may result from using hot water.
Before getting into the tub, wash your genitalia.
7. What ingredients ought to be in intimate wipes?
Wet wipes are a softer, more delicate alternative to toilet paper. Since alcohol and scent can irritate your skin and mucous membranes, look for Intimate Care & Protection Mist products that are free of these substances and have a regulated pH level.
8. What pH range should products for personal hygiene be at?
Because of the advantageous lactobacilli that live there, the vagina has an acidic pH. They offer defence against germs and diseases.
Many experts advise using warm water and no soap to wash the genital area, while some advice using personal hygiene products with an acidic pH of 3.8 to 4.5.
9. Should you get up every 4 hours to replace a pad if you use one all night and sleep for roughly 8 hours?
Your menstrual flow is typically heavier while you are active during the day, which causes the pad to absorb more blood, sweat, and oil. You shouldn't wear one pad for longer than 4 hours as a result of the breeding environment this produces for bacteria.
Wearing a pad overnight is safe because your body processes slow down while you sleep and the amount of bleeding lessens. Tampons should not, however, be worn for longer than 8 hours. They raise the possibility of developing toxic shock syndrome, a serious infection.
10. Should you wrap an old sanitary item before throwing it away?
A used pad should be rolled up, covered with either toilet paper or the wrapper from a new pad, and then thrown away. (Wrapping tampons in toilet paper is sufficient.) This will lessen any odour and stop the spread of bacteria, which can accumulate with time.
11. Can you bath while on your period?
Yes, it is safe to take a bath on your period. Maintaining good hygiene during menstruation is crucial for your health. Just consider a few things for a safe and comfortable bathing experience:
Cleanliness: Ensure that the bathtub is clean before you get in. Bathing in a clean environment reduces the risk of infection.
Water Temperature: Use warm water instead of hot water for your bath. Hot water increases blood flow and can lead to heavier bleeding. Warm water does not pose such troubles.
Genital Cleaning: Keep your genital area clean. Follow a daily gentle cleaning procedure.
If you still experience discomfort after following all these tips, VinzBerry Intimate Hygiene Wash has your back. It cleans your intimate areas without irritating them.
12. Can you prevent odours using a feminine hygiene deodorant?
It is not recommended to use a feminine hygiene deodorant during your period. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ with a unique balance of bacteria and pH levels. It can maintain its health without external support. Using scented or chemical-rich products can disrupt this delicate balance, leading to irritation, infections, or unpleasant odours.
However, using an intimate care and protection mist like VinzBerry can address your concern for bad odours and prevent infection, dryness and itching.
13. What should intimate wet wipes contain?
Intimate wet wipes are a quick and easy fix to maintain cleanliness during your period. Choose intimate wet wipes that are free of alcohol and strong scents. Such ingredients can irritate your skin and disturb the natural pH balance of your intimate area. Instead, opt for wipes with a regulated pH level for intimate use.
These wipes are gentle on your skin and help you feel fresh throughout the day. Always read the product label to ensure it suits your sensitive region.
14. If period blood gets on your bed linen or clothes, can you remove the stain with hot water?
Act quickly to deal with period blood stains on bed linens or clothing. Otherwise, the stains might be permanent. Contrary to popular belief, hot water is not recommended for blood stain removal. It can make the stains tough to remove.
Instead, follow these steps:
Rinse the stained area with cold water as soon as possible. Cold water stops the blood from seeping in.
Apply a small amount of mild liquid detergent to the stain and gently rub the fabric together. Don't rub the stain vigorously; it may inject blood into the fabric.
Soak the stained fabric in cold water for at least 30 minutes. A mixture of cold water and salt can be good for soaking.
Now check if the stain has lightened. If not, repeat the process until the stain is gone.
Once the stain is gone, wash the fabric following your regular bedding care process.
15. How many main types of hygiene are there?
There are four types of hygiene, each focusing on different aspects of cleanliness and health. These types are Personal, Oral, Sexual, and Menstrual Hygiene.
16. What is the difference between hygiene and cleanliness?
Hygiene and cleanliness are often used interchangeably, but there are differences:
Cleanliness: Cleanliness is more about the visual representation of being free from dirt, dust, or unwanted substances. When we talk about cleaning, it revolves around visible dirt removal and maintaining a neat environment.
Hygiene: Hygiene goes beyond cleanliness and includes behaviours that prevent the spread of disease. Cleanliness is a part of hygiene, but preventing the transmission of pathogens receives the most attention. Activities like handwashing, proper food handling, and using sanitary products during menstruation fall under the hygiene category.
Also, read 8 unknown facts about periods - that will blow your mind.